Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Crazy Hair Day

A couple of weeks ago was Crazy Hair Day at the girls' school. Wyatt and Star worked really hard to make sure the girls had the craziest hair ever. I think they succeeded

USC girls

A couple of weeks ago we took the girls to watch the USC band. They had a great time. See the slideshow for more pictures!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Maddie and Mr. Nickeloff

Maddie is posing with her third-grade teacher, Mr. Nickeloff. Maddie is happy because she just received the Academic Achievement award for her third grade class. This is what it says on the back:

Maddie is a very intelligent young girl! She has a 100% average in math and a 95% average on her reading comprehension and vocabulary tests so far. She displays all of the pillars of character counts especially being a caring person.
Maddie always has a warm smile, and a kind word for us. She enjoys singing and hip hop dance. Congratulations,

Maddie we are very proud of you, you are working very hard this year!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wyatt Saves the day....

....and a man's life. Wyatt and I (Myra), went to a fancy restaurant up north, to celebrate a friend's birthday. While we were eating, a man sitting at the next table started choking. Another man got up and TRIED (incorrectly) to administer the Heimlich maneuver. Wyatt sprang into action and took over. He remembered how to correctly perform the Heimlich from the Boy Scouts. Wyatt is a real-life hero. The funny thing is, we were very very close to not going that night, and unbelievably no one else in the restaurant knew how to perform the Hemilich, not even the people that worked there.

Ya know, when I told this story to my friends, they asked if Wyatt got his meal comped. Well, not only did they NOT comp his meal, but they didn't comp the meal of the guy who chocked either. They thanked Wyatt profusely though. But I guess they weren't grateful enough to reward him with a free meal. It's okay though, you don't do good deeds seeking reward.

We are very proud of Wyatt! Here is a picture of Wyatt next to the "Joe" the man he saved.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today, July 30, is our wedding anniversary. Fourteen years ago today we took the plunge! It's been a wonderful 14 years, I can't believe it, the time really does fly by.
Every year I always give Wyatt the traditional anniversary present. The first year, paper was a card. One year was fruit, I gave him a HUGE watermelon with a red bow on top--he loved it. The cotton year was a pair of jeans, the leather year was a wallet. This year was a challenge---IVORY. Nothing is made out of ivory anymore, and it just would seem wrong anyway. My best friend Kimberly came up with the most awesome idea, Ivory soap! Wyatt thought it was very clever, but jokingly asked was I trying to tell him something.

That's all for now, talk to you soon


Friday, June 27, 2008

A visit to the Charles Schulz museum

This week we surprised the kids by taking them to the Charles Schulz museum in Santa Rosa, CA. It was cool! If you want to see more, there are pictures in the slideshow on the left. Click on the picture to see bigger images.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Welcome to Bertel World

Hi all, this is my new family blog. Keep checking back every once in awhile, you'll never know what might show up. I've been messing around with the video camera, and uploaded my first movie, starring Maddie---a most willing volunteer. Hope you enjoy it. Ciao